Learn how the VAT refund works in Mexico

Sep 9, 2022 | VAT | 0 comments

In 2018, the amount of refunds for Value Added Tax credit balance decreased. For this reason, they recommend better management of tax matters so that they can obtain their resources more easily. Currently, the refund request procedure is the same for individuals and corporations. Some experts recommend that in order to avoid problems when applying for a VAT refund, it is necessary to fulfill all obligations month after month. If you want to learn more about this topic, please visit our blog Have you heard about the VAT refund? to learn more about it.


What does the SAT tell us?

Refunds, according to SAT information, must be made no later than 40 days after the date on which the refund request was filed. However, the authority may request more information or refuse to make the return. The latter can be due to several factors, from errors in filling out the application, to not complying with all the obligations or having a fiscal relationship with ghost companies. It is important to mention that the authorities not only supervise the companies or individuals requesting the refund, but also supervise the suppliers. On the other hand, the STPS is also making REPSE audits to all the companies that are registered on this list, so there are also certain recommendations to prepare for this situation. recommendations for preparation There are also certain recommendations to prepare for this situation.


And if they assure me no, what’s next?

One of them is the Procuraduría de la Custodia del Contribuyente (Prodecon), which from January to October 2018 promoted 9,447 means of protection in favor of the inhabitants against acts of tax authorities, with an effectiveness of over 70% in favor of the tax payer. “The taxpayer has the right to expose a means of custody in opposition to the authority. One of the services we have is legal representation, we have received the resolution and if we could find that they are still denying his right, we support him and represent him at no cost”, details Rafael Gómez Garfias, general director of Guidance and Advice to Taxpayers of the Prodecon. That is why the help of an accounting firm is very important, only they will understand and guide you through the different obstacles that may arise along the way. benefits of an accounting firm ? Let’s get to work! Now that you know that when talking about VAT refunds it is a simple process, but it requires special attention and time investment, we suggest you seek the help of professionals in the field. ALCON is an accounting firm specialized in the subject of Tax Refund for companies, with the intention of helping to generate the request properly to obtain the refund without problems. Our professionals at ALCON can help you! With their great experience they will advise you on the subject of VAT refunds.Contact Us! Via WhatsApp or by e-mail. Follow us on our Facebook e Instagram Visit our Twitter for more news Connect with us by LinkedIn


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